The Red Foundation’s Naya Savera project is a ray of hope in a world that frequently ignores the poor. Many people, particularly women and children from impoverished circumstances, do not have the opportunity to develop skills that might lead to a better life. The lack of access to vocational training because of financial constraints expands the empowerment gap even further. Their hopes and aspirations are hampered as a result of being stuck in a cycle of limited options.


With a commitment to changing lives, the Red Foundation’s Naya Savera initiative brings about a transformation. Through vocational training, we empower students, women, and underprivileged children with valuable skills like basic computer knowledge, embroidery, crafts, and stitching. By equipping them with these abilities, we’re not just enhancing their chances of finding employment, but also nurturing their sense of self-worth and independence. With newfound skills, these individuals can envision brighter futures for themselves, their families, and their communities. Naya Savera paves the way for a journey of empowerment and self-sufficiency.

But we cannot achieve this alone – we need your support. A small contribution from you can make a monumental difference in the lives of these deserving individuals. Your donation to the Red Foundation’s Naya Savera initiative is an investment in breaking the cycle of poverty and limited opportunities. It’s about giving someone the tools to build a life of dignity and purpose. Together, let’s empower dreams, create pathways to brighter futures, and build a society where everyone has the chance to thrive.

How you can contribute