For the marginalized children, street sweepers, laborers with little means, and for poor families, accessing a balanced and nourishing meal is often a distant dream. Lack of resources and economic hardships make it challenging to provide essential nutrients, and many go to bed on empty stomachs. The cycle of hunger and malnutrition takes a toll on their health, growth, and overall well-being.


Against this backdrop, the Red Foundation’s Poshan Abhiyan mission shines as a beacon of hope. The organization works tirelessly to provide nutritious meals for those who are most in need. Poshan Abhiyan helps underprivileged kids, hard-working laborers, and families who are caring for hospital patients. This project provides nutritious and healthy meals, filling not just stomachs but also hearts with hope. It’s not only about providing food; this effort also aims to give individuals in need of it back their health, dignity, and sense of security.

However, the journey is far from over, and we need your help. A small contribution from you can make a world of difference. By donating to the Red Foundation’s Poshan Abhiyan, you become a part of a life-changing movement. Your support can light up a child’s face, give strength to a laborer’s weary hands, and provide comfort to families in distress. Let’s join hands to ensure that no one goes to bed hungry, and everyone has access to the basic nourishment they deserve. Your kindness can transform lives and offer a chance for a brighter, healthier future.

However, there is still work to be done, and you can help. Your help can make a difference in a child’s life. It makes no difference if you can contribute a lot or a little – every little amount matters. Imagine the joy these children will have once they are able to study and feel more secure. Let’s work together to provide these kids an improved education and a better life.

How you can contribute